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  • 27Jan
    in 2021

    Post-Synthesis Modification of Photoluminescent and Electrochemiluminescent Au Nanoclusters with Dopamine

  • 28Sep
    in 2021

    Electrochemically induced deposition of hydroxyl-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimers encapsulating Pt nanoparticles on indium tin oxide for enhanced electrochemiluminescence

  • 20Nov
    in 2021

    A metastasis suppressor Pt-dendrimer nanozyme for the alleviation of glioblastoma

  • 20Nov
    in 2021

    Ratiometric fluorescence probe based on monochromatic dual-emission carbon nanodots with fluorescence spectral change

  • 18Apr
    in 2021

    Turn-On Fluorescence Sensing of Oxygen with Dendrimer-Encapsulated Platinum Nanoparticles as Tunable Oxidase Mimics for Spatially Resolved Measurement of Oxygen Gradient in a Human Gut-on-a-Chip

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