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Journal | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical |
Author | Jeong-Wook Oh, Tae Hyun Kim, Sang Wook Yoo, Yeon Ok Lee, Yujin Lee, Hasuck Kim, Joohoon Kim, , Jong Seung Kim |
Citation | 2013, 177, 813-817 |
DOI | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2012.11.066 |
A multisignaling assay for the selective detection of Fe3+ ions with a cruciform-shaped alkynylpyrene (1) bearing four peripheral N,N-dimethylethynylaniline units is reported. Upon exposure to various metal ions, only Fe3+ showed significant changes in the optical, electrochemical, and electrochemiluminescent behaviors of 1.
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