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제목 Author Journal Citation
Voltammetric Discrimination of DNA Single Base-Pair Mismatches via Taq DNA Ligase-Based Mismatch Recognition file Jun Myung Kim, Chong Min Koo, Joohoon Kim Electroanalysis Electroanalysis, 2011, 23, No. 9, 2019 – 2022
Decoration of glassy carbon surfaces with dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticles with a view to constructing bifunctional nanostructures file Heeyoung Ju, Chong Min Koo and Joohoon Kim Chem. Commun Chem. Commun, 2011, 47, 12322–12324
Modification of a glassy carbon surface with amine-terminated dendrimers and its application to electrocatalytic hydrazine oxidation file Tae Hyun Kim, Hong Seok Choi, Byung Rye Go, Joohoon Kim, Electrochemistry Communications Electrochemistry Communications, 12 (2010) 788–791
Rhodamine-based chemosensing monolayers on glass as a facile fluorescent “turn-on” sensing film for selective detection of Pb2+ file Heeyoung Ju, Min Hee Lee, Jungahn Kim, Jong Seung Kim, Joohoon Kim Talanta Talanta, (2011) 1359–1363
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